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The G20’s principal task of reviving global economy growth has never been easy—it is harder now that world trade is contracting. Talk of a global trade slowdown is misplaced—even in volume terms world exports are down 2% since the end of 2014.
Apart from Germany, in no other G20 member did improvements in trade balances account for more than a fifth of GDP growth during 2009-2014. Even these contributions are now threatened as international commerce contracts. This matters because millions of families depend on jobs at companies meeting foreign customers’ needs. The taxes these exports generate help states tackle a growing list of societal challenges.
So what can the G20 do to revive world trade?
First it is important to diagnose the problem correctly. Our analysis had led us to reject the benign interpretation that the global trade slowdown as merely a combination of a rising US dollar, falling commodity prices, and retrenchment of supply chains involving China (as if these weren’t bad enough!). With export revenues down and jobs being lost, governments can hardly sit back and accept the latest twist and turns of the global economy.
[Image: G20, Turkey]
That only 28 product categories account for 78% of the fall of world trade is hard to square with falling import demand that follows a global growth slowdown. Moreover, the jump in motor vehicles trade reinforces the impression of uneven impact. The obvious question to ask is whether policy affected the trade in these products more. In this regard the following finding of our analysis is worrying:
Stepping back and looking at the global picture we found that in 2015 the “level playing field” has taken a battering. This year the Global Trade Alert team, of which we are members, found:
These aggregate developments are borne out on the ground with growing trade tensions in airlines and steel and over data storage, to choose just three examples. The time has come for the G20 to stop taking for granted the openness of the world trading system and to boost trade’s contribution to economic growth.
What should the G20 do? Realistically, in the near-term neither developments at the WTO nor the signing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership will counter falling world trade. While the Agreement on Trade Facilitation is welcome, as of now less than a third of WTO members have ratified it. Remarkably, 10 G20 members (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Turkey) have yet to ratify this accord.
With the multilateral and regional options offering little near-term relief, attention turns to steps the G20 can take themselves.
G20 Leaders should request that the incoming Chinese Presidency build support for initiatives to revive global trade without imposing more trade distortions. You don’t have to believe that rising protectionism contributed to the recent fall in world trade to argue that unwinding protectionism and opening markets will help revive world trade.
To that end, at their summit G20 Leaders should:
These steps would ensure that policy changes in the coming year support the revival of world trade and with it trade’s contribution to growth.