How Technology Is Revolutionizing The Transportation And Logistics Industry
In the past whenever we would talk about the Logistics industry the first thing that would come to mind is trucks and any other related infrastructure. However, like other industries technology has penetrated the logistics industry as well and as a result, many changes can be seen worldwide. Let us have a peep at the changes and what they hold for the industry in future.
Fleet management – Using GPS to track the parcel delivery trucks is something that has been happening for a long time. However, the advent of technology has smoothened the processes further. Now you can even know when the truck is close to reaching its destination and if it has had a breakdown you can even be informed about the same. Companies can also keep an eye on speeding, acceleration, idling and other issues which can reduce the consumption of fuel and hence save up on expenses.
Internet of Things – – IoT as it is also known connects the machines to the main computer. Doing that helps you to monitor all the equipment and make sure that you receive an alert when any particular machine needs to be repaired. When it comes to the logistics industry the IoT is helpful in regulating the temperature and other physical conditions of the load that is being carried. If the shipment is being sent across multiple modules this ensures that even till the last point the receiver and sender stay in touch.
Drones and driverless cars – Amazon had mentioned that it would like to use drones to deliver packets but the fact that this may lead to the product being damaged stopped the trend from picking up. However driverless vehicles are something that can greatly benefit the logistics industry. This is because then their dependence on manual labor would be reduced and any chance of fatigue causing deliveries to fail would be eliminated. However, there are a lot of regulatory factors that need to be addressed before this comes into implementation.
Cloud computing – The advancements in technology were able to provide the logistics firms with a data but that could not be used much. However now with the cloud computing and business analytics, the same data is proving to be treasure mine. You can check regular updates and even reach out to your customers informing them of new services and benefits. What is more exciting is the prospect of providing all such information to the user even when he is away from his home or office something that the industry can take advantage of.
Times have changed, and technology has modified the way all industries operate. Till now logistics industry was being considered as stagnant and not prone to any change. However, with the entry of the above facilities, it seems the revolution is not very far off. Logistics firms have understood the importance of embracing this change. By doing that they will be able to stay ahead of the competition and ensure that more and more people are able to link with them and understand the benefits they provide.