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69 train coaches will be produced by CRRC Dalian for subway operations in Nagpur, the largest city in central India.
Earlier this year in Davos, Chinese President Xi Jinping warned other countries against blindly pursuing their national interests.
BRICS members, China, India and Russia are also the three largest shareholders in the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).
The new Finance Minister is 45-year-old Malusi Knowledge Nkanyezi Gigaba, previously Minister of Home Affairs.
A current account deficit implies that the country’s domestic production is unable to keep pace with domestic demand.
Oil experts say delays to make such a move, however, will likely bring oil prices further down.
China, Chile and Egypt - among others - partially lift Brazilian import ban.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is on a state visit to the Australian capital Canberra.
This will function as a centralized customs clearance, warehousing, and fulfillment facility for Malaysia and the region.
Russia was the second largest weapons exporter accounting for 23 per cent of all global arms sales in 2016.