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India's benchmark BSE Sensex rose by 297.70 points or 1.46 per cent to 20,713.21 on Friday morning.
Iron ore is the key ingredient in steel-making and is the world’s second most traded commodity after oil.
GDP totalled 38.68 trillion yuan ($6.3 trillion) in the first nine months.
India has excelled in information technology services but imports the majority of its electronics requirements.
China imported about 83 million metric tons of crude oil from the region in the first seven months of 2013.
The two nations are also looking at the joint development of a fifth-generation fighter jet.
Top 10 Asian nations account for 86 per cent of total investment in the first nine months.
A number of key bilateral deals will be signed during the Russian prime minister's visit.
China has become Cambodia’s largest lender with a total of $9.17 billion of investment in the last 18 years.
2013 is a record year for key harvests of grain and maize, statistics show.