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Auto exhaust emissions make up over 31 per cent of the city’s air pollution.
Many countries are now likely to eye a China-led Asia-Pacific trade initiative, such RCEP.
The Asia-Pacific region is grappling with fragmentation of regional economic cooperation, says Xi Jinping.
Taking a dig at Obama's TPP, China's President said a "closed and exclusive" trade deal is counter-productive.
President-elect Donald Trump isn't attending the summit but his statements on free trade have riled many global leaders.
China has warned the Trump administration not to take climate change lightly.
The US military will try to cooperate with China through conducting joint military exercises, a senior American admiral says.
China and the US account for 38 per cent of the world’s total man-made carbon emissions.
None of the BRICS nations were part of the US-led TPP, the 12-country Trans-Pacific Partnership.