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File photo: An offshore oil rig of Petrobras, Brazil [Image: Petrobras]
Brazil’s Mines and Energy Minister Eduardo Braga announced on Thursday a new bidding round will be launched on July 7 in a ceremony in Brasilia.
Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff will be present at the launch, the ministry said. Russian energy giant Gazprom is considering investments in oil and natural gas in Brazil and may bid for exploration rights in the latest round.
A total of 266 exploration blocks will be offered in the 13th bidding round, totaling an area of 125,024 square kilometers.
“Of all the blocks, 182 are located in the onshore basins of Amazonas, Parnaiba, Reconcavo and Potiguar, and 84 in the offshore basins of Sergipe-Alagoas, Jacuipe, Espirito Santo, Campos, Camamu-Almada and Pelotas,” the National Petroleum Agency (ANP) said.
The measure is part of the package for the energy sector, which aims to help the Brazilian economy resume growth.
“We are very hopeful and optimistic,” said Braga.
The country’s first quarter GDP figures were negative and perspectives are not good for the second quarter.
Brazil’s state-run Petrobras and other companies have had success exploring in areas where new concessions will be auctioned.
TBP and Agencies