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Putin pledges billions in trade with Belarus

Putin pledges billions in trade with Belarus

Trade between Russia and Belarus reached $45 billion in 2012, up 10 per cent on 2011

UN warns of education funding gap

Providing universal primary education is the second Millennium Development Goal that is meant to be reached in 2015 by developing countries.

New power centres from BRICS- UNDP

New power centres from BRICS- UNDP

Developing nations are now driving global economic growth, says a UN report.

Russia might lose $53bn in debt-ridden Cyprus

Russia might lose $53bn in debt-ridden Cyprus

A new report by Moody's says that problems in Cyprus could lead to credit losses.

Reliance Industries to invest $27bn in next 4 years

Reliance Industries to invest $27bn in next 4 years

Reliance Industries is the owner of the world’s largest oil-refining complex.

Study: Brazil economy on the mend

Study: Brazil economy on the mend

President Dilma Rouseff has taken a number of measures to boost the economy.

SA needs to counter debt levels- Gordhan

SA needs to counter debt levels- Gordhan

South Africa's finance minister says the country needs to continue along a path of moderate growth in spending.

Gazprom, China Petroleum in talks for gas deals

Gazprom, China Petroleum in talks for gas deals

Russia is the biggest exporter of energy while China is the largest energy consumer.

100th anniversary of Russian national anthem writer Mikhalkov

100th anniversary of Russian national anthem writer Mikhalkov

According to the president over 300 million copies of Mikhalkov’s books have been published both in the Soviet Union and in modern Russia.

Xi Jinping elected president of China

Xi Jinping elected president of China

The new president will attend the 5th BRICS Summit in South Africa later this month.