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China retaliated, saying it will impose an additional 25% tariff on more than 600 US products worth $50 billion.
The US dollar makes significant gains against the real, rand, Turkish lira and other currencies.
The bulk of growth was in Central Asia, India and Russia, accounting for some 70% of China's Belt and Road trade.
China is insisting on "mutual respect" in trade talks with US.
A mix of diplomacy and economic incentives will get North Korea to back away from its belligerent footing.
"Financial conditions since August have generally remained supportive of a pickup in Brazil's economic activity."
As the EU and US turn up the sanctions on Russia, Moscow looks eastward for lucrative trade ties.
The government is fast-tracking the manufacturing of “green” cars.
Meanwhile, China continues to invest overseas to the tune of at least $180 billion a year.
BRICS tourists are fast becoming an essential market for the Zambian tourism industry.