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China is stepping up engagement with ASEAN even as the US repeatedly asserts its seriousness about the Asia Pivot.
Russia plans to use the new link to ship gas to Turkey and onto Europe, bypassing existing pipelines in Ukraine.
PBOC will also inject $8.05 billion into the money markets through seven-day reverse bond repurchase agreements on Tuesday.
With manufacturing down in China - the world's economic dynamo, demand for vital commodities will drop.
China will strive for 8 per cent growth in industrial output this year.
Companies like Xiaomi Corp., Huawei Technologies Co. and ZTE Corp. stand to gain from the zero-tariff policy.
President Dilma Rousseff is trying to rein in the largest budget gap in 16 years that threatens Brazil’s investment grade.
Putin will also attend the celebrations in China to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of the war.
China’s two largest locomotive equipment maker signed more than $6 billion of overseas contracts last year, up 60 % from 2013.
The Chinese renmimbi is also expected to replace the dollar at the BRICS Bank, especially for projects in Asia.